Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Another bunch of random going-ons in Melbie. Finally cooked something in my place th other day, Clare's Aglio Olio Spaghetti recipe. Simple enough to make, but damn if it isnt yummy to eat! Anyhow, There's this PRC girl on th 11th floor here, who damn well doesnt look like one! (In th sense tt shes HOT dammit) Daym, anyways, more on tt some other time.

Eh Sunday is usually a day when stuff goes on outside th State Library down Swanston street, be it dumbass protesters or some small event. Most recently, they had some small fair cum exhibition abt medieval stuff as you can see. Knights n medieval countrymen. Peasants n barbarians. Interesting to walk around and look-see. I guess this is their local cosplay event eh?

Strike up the band

"I do say Cogsworth, would you like to hold my long shaft?"

Select choice of er, medieval delicacies and eats n treats. Live flies not included.

And finally we have our brave and gallant knight in not so shiny armor, battling th Evil and villainous forces of young children with stick who try to aim for his nether regions. Apparently, its a small interactive side show where kids can try to 'spar' with th knight. Simple job? Not when u have intelligent kids who realize hitting just th shield isnt all tt fun. "Aim for his nuts!" "Hit his head!" "Go for his legs!" And these are small kids calling out. I'd be worried for my Knightly Nuts if i was him.

Our doughty Warrior spars with a small, but ferocious beast in shorts.

As the battle wears on, the small blue beast in shorts is dispatched valiantly. But behold! Another masked marauder in red approaches! Nacchooooo!

Finally, overcome with fatigue and weariness, bodies strewn about th battlefield, our hero is forced to his knees by a final blow from his persistent adversary.

(Rather sporting of him to let th lil girl give him a couple of taps on his head actually. Could've been worse. :] )


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