What with all th protests and crazy gobbledygook ravings against China about th 08 Olympics, th China community (note, China, not ChinESE) here in Melbourne decided to they had to protest about something as well. I'm not saying that anything about th political ramifications and what they're trying to achieve from th protest, but I'll be honest in saying tt personally, i find protests unless they're for a good cause, a gathering of mindless people to disrupt th daily pattern of other people's lives.
Mounted police milling abt n trying to get these idiots off th streets so th cars and trams can move again.
Outside th state library, waving their flags proudly...with some guys raving only goodness knows what.
I believe tt they were protesting abt claims of Tibet being part of china, since one of th banners read: ' Tiber was, and always will be a part of China' Well, balls to that. Whatever. Most of th PRC folk here are rather brainwashed into really believing everything abt they're govt n wont listen to other points of view from outsiders. But hey, tts politicians for ya. Screw em.
On a different note, i found something familiar, in Red and White gently flowing with th morning breeze outside a church along Swanston Street.
On a lighter note, theres this print shop near my place with these witty posters tt they paste up over their shop now n then...haha, check it out:
Feng shui man n his yin yang padlock. lol
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