Paintball today folks~! And an indoor field at that. Dint really manage to take much shots of th place, cos its was all hurried along as it was. Well, first impressions, Melbourne Indoor Paintball, as th damn name suggests, is bloody indoors. Pretty different atmosphere as compared to th outdoor fields I've tried back home. Rather more claustrophobic and EVERYONE seems to hide in th back of their respective field areas. And bloody hell, theres paint smears EVERYWHERE! I mean, my friend in Canada told me abt th indoor places there, n th slick slimy environment of an indoor field, but ...eww. Obstacles consist of wooden packing crates, and more wooden bits., as well as those inflatable obstacles tt u usually see in th tournament matches. It was an interesting change of pace i guess.
As for th gear, phew, i have to say, get ur own masks if possible! using rather beat up V Force face masks with th neck protector...Th jersey's we were supplied with have been there for, well, probly since they set up shop, and are worn with age n goodness noes wat other shit. Using th same Tippman model 98 custom for th markers. S'a nice gun to use anyhow, but more beat up n less well taken care of than th counterparts in Sg. First time i was issue with a belt for storing hoppers. (Still, 300 rounds go up mighty fast!)
Anyhow, it was nice to see tt everyone mostly enjoyed themselves, but damn if im organizing another game in th near future. Bloody hassle n all. Till th next shoot out...